Anchoring in Your Aliveness: An Evening with Ellen Donoghue, PhD and Musician Friends! A FREE event in partnership with Gorge Happiness Month
An evening of inspirational talks, music from local performers, and refreshments intended to embolden in each of us a sense of possibility and empowerment! “Anchoring in Your Aliveness” means feeling at ease with the ups and the downs of life, while also cultivating inner-strengths to support your wholesome heartfelt aspirations and live life more fully! Ellen’s energetic talks will be interspersed with fabulous live music from Gorge residents Nate Stranz and Jesse Buckwalter. Some of the “take home goodies” of the night include simple mindfulness practices, a musical swing in your step, an uplifting sense of well-being, and community connection.
Friday, Oct 18th, 6 - 8:30pm, The Ruins, Hood River