“Loving Your Fears” - A Free Seminar with Ellen Donoghue, PhD for Gorge Happiness Month
As we unravel judgment, doubt, envy, wanting, rumination, and habitual negative thought processes, we often find tender fears related to not being good enough or “having to be..” this way or that. When we bring the power of our courageous hearts (thru practices of self-compassion) to these conditioned fears we loosen their grips on us in lasting ways. In this seminar we review the evolutionary psychology of why the human brain is predisposed to over-exaggerate threats, ruminate on disappointments, undervalue our capabilities, and be critical of ourselves and others. Heightened awareness of our habitual negative tendencies is the first step to then cultivating the power of self-love to reframe and diminish fears. Learn some simple mindfulness practices to deepen your ability to be at ease with the inevitable ebbs and flows of life.
Monday, Oct 7th, Hood River Library, downstairs