Small Group Customized Sessions, aka "A Neuroplasticity Party"
May the support of a casual trusting group enhance your individual journey.
A Neuroplasticity Party is a gathering of individuals to explore teachings and mindfulness practices that enhance well-being in lasting ways. I named this unique service with an affectionate nod to the era of Tupperware Parties. Today’s “Neuroplasticity Parties” are customized small-group sessions in which friends and/or acquaintances learn how to grow inner strengths in a supportive and relaxed atmosphere. I lead, teach, and facilitate the session with careful attention to the group’s interests and temperament. “Self-directed Neuroplasticity” is used in psychology to describe how to train our attention to hardwire our brain to reside in a place calm, contentment, and equanimity, and grow inner-strengths such as confidence, compassion, gratitude, and resiliency. As Buddhist psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson describes, “The mind takes the shape of where it rests, moment by moment, neuron by neuron.”
What is the role of host/hostess? The host/hostess coordinates with me and prospective attendees to: a) set a date and time of the session, b) determine the “Inner Strength” topic, c) identify location of gathering, and d) collect fee from attendees. Whether you are naturally inclined to be organize people to gather, or you embrace this opportunity to cultivate such skills, hosting a session has the added benefit to ”take in” gratitude and a sense accomplishment from your contribution making the session happen. Once the session begins, the only responsibility of host/hostess is to participate in and enjoy the session!
Who attends? Friends, acquaintances, co-workers, organization members, etc.
Indian rock art of the Columbia River plateau
What topic(s) will be covered? I consult with the host/hostess who communicates with attendees to identify the topic in advance of their Neuroplasticity Party. Topics cover a range of inner-strengths including: self-compassion, silencing an over-vocal inner-critic, working with fear, growing specific inner strengths, the practice of “let be, let go, and let in”, staying in the green zone of calm and contentment, cultivating the courage on an open-heart to be at ease with the ebbs and flows off life, and other topics to cultivate personal well-being.
Number of people? These customized small group sessions are suitable for 3 to 6 people.
Cost? $80/hour, with a 2-hour minimum. A “party” (i.e., a group session) may be from 2 to 4 hrs. Series can be developed to delve more deeply into teachings and practices. The host/hostess is responsible for collecting the fee from attendees. The group determines how the fee will be divided among attendees. Creative distribution is encouraged, such as consideration for individual means, bartering fee payment for services or goods, or whatever is reasonable among attendees and established in advance of the session, so that when it begins we dive right in!
Location ? Home of host/hostess or another attendee, meeting room at local library, public picnic area outside (weather permitting), or other public meeting space.
What happens? I provide a descriptive talk on the group’s selected topic, lead guided practice(s), facilitate discussion among attendees, answers questions, and offer coaching tips, support, and encouragement. After the session, each attendee receives a follow-up email of gentle reminders and support after the session.
I would be honored to lead a customized inner-strength group session for you and your friends or acquaintances. - Ellen Donoghue, PhD