One-on-One Coaching
Please know it would be my honor to share in this part of your personal growth journey.
Cultivate inner-strengths and anchor in your aliveness!
An individual coaching “session” with me is more than our in-person interaction. My aliveness coaching includes pre- and post-session communications because I believe continuity is important to empowering clients to cultivate inner-strengths. Thus, each “session” includes a pre-session phone call or email conversation, an in-person meeting, and a follow-up email of reflections or support. For most clients, we meet for a series of sessions, for example 3 to 6 sessions spread out over several weeks or months.
Coaching Fee: At present, my one-on-one coaching is $80 for a 1-hour session, $100 for 1.5 hours, and $120 for 2 hours. Payment is received at each session in cash or check.
Each “session” begins several days prior to our in-person meeting with a brief phone conversation or email dialogue. I will ask you about your intentions and ask you to share what inner-strengths you are interested in enhancing and what type of mindfulness practices you current have in your life. This information helps me tailor our in-person meeting so that we make the best use of our time. Clients for whom I see regularly are invited to email me with questions or when something “comes up” in between sessions because so often during a growth process the moments we most need support are outside of the session time! I aspire to be available to support your journey as best I can.
During our sessions we discuss teachings and practices for addressing your interests. For clients who are familiar with relevant teachings, we may focus more on practices. Some people think of their sessions as "getting in their gym fix" for the day. In other words, session time helps them convert healthy mindfulness techniques into lifelong habits.
As a coach, I offer support, information, techniques, and encouragement and I tailor teachings and mindfulness practices so that we work with your innate skills and capabilities. You are the one who cultivates your lasting sense of well-being, in which you are the captain of the vessel that is you.
I conclude with a necessary disclaimer. I am neither a psychologist nor a licensed counselor. I am a PhD social scientist whose core research focuses on understanding dimensions of well-being and resiliency and the connections between people and nature. For my coaching services, I draw on my research, the ancient wisdom tradition of Buddhism, neuroscience, and the work psychologists and meditation teachers, including Dr. Rick Hanson, author of Buddha’s Brain, and with whom I have completed his Foundations of Well-Being training. Receiving coaching to grow inner-strengths and learn mindfulness practices is not a substitute for psychological treatment where it is warranted, as you no doubt know.
Cancellation Policy for Ardent Nature coaching with Ellen Donoghue, PhD
"I am here to coach you to your highest personal growth aspirations, and part of that is requiring a commitment from you that you are fully invested in our collaborative process. I request at least 24-hour notice of cancelling, out of courtesy to other clients interested in booking times and out of general respect for planning processes in our full lives. For sessions cancelled within 24 hours, 50% of a session payment is required. For sessions cancelled within 4 hours, I request the full session payment.” With gratitude, Ellen